Thushan Puhalendran

A Simple Portfolio/Static Testing Site

What is this?
Glad you asked

Hey, I'm Thushan Puhalendran, a rising sophomore studying Applied Mathematics at Harvard University. Here's a temporary placeholder for my website - I'll probably be using this to host/test some various bits and pieces for projects I'm working on so it might be pretty messy for now until I get around to actually building it.

Acoustic Guitar

I've been playing guitar for as long as I can remember, here's a quick sample of me at the Harvard Freshman Talent Show in 2016, feel free to let me know what you think.

A Concert Ticket App

Here's something my roommate Sean and I built in freshman year - CrowdSurf, a way to dynamically track and graph concert ticket prices over time, using StubHub and Google Charts APIs, super useful for estimating how much ticket prices will rise while you're deciding whether or not to invest in buying some with your friends!
P.S. the primary motif of our video was Steve Jobs' turtlenecks and startup culture

A Communications App

This is Twimail, a PHP-based app I threw together over a couple weeks in summer for an internship - it makes conference calls and detects answering machines to deliver pre-recorded voice messages, saving hundreds of man hours (and sore throats) a year.
Parth's Twilio App is hosted here
Evan's Twilio App is hosted here
Bradley's Twilio App is hosted here
Brian's Twilio App is hosted here

Audio Test:

You should be.

That's it for now I'm afraid, I'll get around to porting over my other projects onto here eventually. Go ahead and live life, play poker and check back again soon - that's what I'll be doing.